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Day Surgery & Operating Room

Day Surgery & Operating Room

Day Surgery

The Day Surgery unit handles 92 percent of the surgical cases at Stevenson Memorial Hospital. The nine-bed unit is located across from the operating room suite and provides a variety of surgical services. These services include:

  • Orthopedics (arthroscopy, foot, and ankle surgery)
  • Ophthalmology (cataract surgery)
  • General Surgery (gall bladder, hernia, breast cancer, and bowel procedures)
  • Gynecology (Hysterectomy, C-Sections, D & C and Tubal Ligation)
  • Endoscopy Procedures
  • Dental Program (Restorations, Extractions and X-rays)

Have an upcoming surgery? Please refer to our Preparing for Surgery document as a helpful reference.
Preparing for Surgery

Operating Room

The surgical suite is comprised of two operating room theatres, one endoscopy suite and a recovery room. The operating room is used by several surgeons, including a full-time general surgeon. Surgical services are supported by both full-time and associate anaesthetists and provide services for both inpatients and outpatients.

Coverage is provided 24 hours a day by on-call physicians and nurses. Booked surgical cases are done Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In addition, surgical relations are provided by Headwaters Health Care Centre in Orangeville, Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket and Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre in Barrie.