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Hospital Medicine

Hospital Medicine

Stevenson Memorial Hospital provides a multidisciplinary approach to acute care by professional, caring, and skilled staff. The Medical Surgical Unit respects the patient’s confidentiality, rights, and choices and encourages patient and family involvement in all aspects of care.

The 32-bed unit, including 5 high acuity beds, manages diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), pneumonia, diabetes, acute coronary syndrome (chest pain, angina), and palliative care.

The department includes qualified nursing staff that provide quality care to help enable patients to reach their maximum functionality and promote positive outcomes. The multidisciplinary Health Care Team includes Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, RNs, RPNs Physiotherapists, Pharmacists, Discharge Planning, and spiritual care.

The Medical Surgical Unit works closely with all departments in the hospital and maintains extensive community-based associations to provide referrals for services not available at Stevenson.

What you need to bring:

  • Slippers
  • Toiletries
  • Robe or pajamas
  • Medications from home
  • Mobility aids that you currently use at home
Please leave all jewelry and valuables home or send them home with loved ones.


Once the acute phase of the illness and treatment is complete, the patient will be transitioned back home or to the most appropriate destination for them. The discharge planning process begins on the day of admission. If the patient is unable to be discharged to their pre-admission residence, the discharge planning team will meet with the patient and their family to discuss discharge options. The patient and family will need to work with the staff to make these important care decisions. A patient and family meeting will determine the need for additional services in the home or placement in another care facility such as respite care, retirement home, rehabilitation center, convalescent care center, or home with support services to wait for long-term care. If your condition necessitates staying in the hospital until a space in a long-term care facility is available, the Discharge Planner will discuss applicable charges.

We appreciate your help

Stevenson is committed to delivering patient-centered quality care and service. We encourage patients, family, and friends to work with the nursing staff to help ensure that patients have all of their care needs met. We have prioritized care based on treatment and testing needs and we are thankful for all the support that we receive from family and friends who aid with patient feeding, bathing, and hygiene.

Question? Contact Us

705-435-3377 ext. 2213